December's giving back campaign is to Waging NonViolence, a nonprofit media organization dedicated to providing original reporting and expert analysis of social movements around the world. Their stories inspire readers to realize the powerful agency they possess. 5% all online sales

Curated Shows

Handmade Metal Wares Show

Photo credit: Scott Rudd



5/10 - 6/30  Brooklyn Metal Works Gallery, Spoons, Brooklyn, NY

6/21 - 6  The Center for Furniture Craftsmanship, Faculty Show
Rockport, Maine

8/24 Portland Fine Craft Show *Awarded Best In Show 2019!
Portland, Maine 

9/1 - 9/30  Homo Faber 2024 Craft Biennial: The Journey of Life
Venice, Italy

9/21-22  Commonground Fair
Unity, ME

10/5  Northwest Jewelry and Metals Symposium, Speaker,
Seattle, WA

10/11 - 10/13  Field + Supply Fall Market
Kingston, NY

12/14  The Lost Kitchen,  Holiday Market
Freedom, ME

12/21  Uproot Pie, St. Lucia Holiday Market
Thomaston, ME



6/16 - 9/6  The Center for Furniture Craftsmanship, Faculty Show
Rockport, Maine

8/12   The Center for Contemporary Art, pop-up
Rockland, Maine

8/26 Portland Fine Craft Show *Awarded Best In Show 2019!
Portland, Maine 

9/22-24  Commonground Fair
Unity, ME

9/21- 10/22  Maine Art Gallery, The Artful Interior
Wiscasset, ME

10/6 - 10/8  Field + Supply Fall Market
Kingston, NY

10/ 30 - 11/29  Art Gallery at Umpqua Community College (curated by Brien Beidler & Amy Umbel of Cut the Craft), The Shape of Connection
Roseburg, Oregon



4/16 - 7/16  The Bascom Center for Visual Arts, Formative
Highlands, NC

4/21 - 4/24  Smithsonian Craft and Design Show
Washington, DC

6/10 - 9/7   The Center for Furniture Craftsmanship, Faculty Show
Rockport, Maine

8/12 - October or longer   Everywhere Space, a two month curated pop-up
Rockland, Maine

8/13   The Center for Contemporary Art, pop-up
Rockland, Maine

8/27  Portland Fine Craft Show *Awarded Best In Show 2019!
Portland, Maine 

9/23-25  Commonground Fair
Unity, ME

10/7 - 10/9  Field + Supply Fall Market
Kingston, NY (outdoors, all are required to be vaccinated)

11/8 - 12/10  Penland Gallery Well Made Goods | Kitchen + Table
Bakersville, NC


4/17  11am.  The Lost Kitchen, LIVE online Market

6/11 - 9/4   The Center for Furniture Craftsmanship, Faculty Show
Rockport, Maine

8/28  Montsweag Makers Pop Up!
Circle Stone Designs Lawn, Montsweag, Maine

8/28  Portland Fine Craft Show
*Awarded Best In Show 2019!
Portland, Maine

9/24-26  Commonground Fair
Unity, ME (canceled for safety around Covid!)

10/8 - 10/10  Field + Supply Fall Market
Kingston, NY (outdoors, all are required to be vaccinated)

10/25 - 10/27  Smithsonian Craft and Design Show
Washington, DC (moved to online only!)



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