July's giving back campaign is to Vote Forward. Their work empowers grassroots volunteers to send handwritten letters encouraging fellow Americans to vote. I encourage all to join in on the writing campaigsn too! 5% all online sales

Process Scenes - film clips from behind the scenes.

The Fire Roasting Spoon's inauguration!. Inspired by the famous Egg Spoon, made famous by chef Alice Waters. I see this more like a little wok for frying and roasting many things on your firepit or fireplace.


A little film showing a day at a show, the Commonground Fair, this September, 2023.



A clip of a film by Idea Farmer for KitchenAid, filmed a few years back - still feel so honored to have them come to work with me. See full film at https://stories.kitchenaid.com/article/erica-moody-metalsmith-maker



A quick tour of my gift wrapping process, accompanying music by AIR:



A little winter wonderland snippets of my world here in Waldoboro, Maine:



In Fall 2021, Duluth Trading Company asked to come shoot some images for their '22 Spring catalog, and here is a small bit of the beautiful images their team put together.:



Saturday, 11/20/21 we will be having an open studio, set up much like this one filmed quite a few years ago!  Part 20th biz year celebration(!) and part celebrating me and my assistants Abe and Molly's work. Metal, fire, food, and hopefully some music jamming.



A little throwback to me working in my previous studio in Beverly, MA, by folks at Depot North Films, filmed around 2012 or so. I believe I was working on steel frames that make up a sculpture in the shape of a house for a local artist:



Another  throwback to a request to make a custom replacement for a sidewalk utility hole cover outside of a Boston condo.  Cut, machined pattern for non-slip and beauty, seasoned black:



Bending steel for a commissioned dining table base with matching benches:

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